Hormone Optimization for Women

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is an individualized approach to replace deficient hormones to counteract the common negative health effects caused by age-related hormonal imbalances.

Bioidentical hormones have the same chemical structure as the hormones that are naturally produced by your body, allowing for optimal function and performance. Unlike traditional synthetic hormones, which are structurally different from your natural hormones, bioidentical hormones are safer, more effective, and far less likely to cause unwanted side effects.

Hormone replacement can be given via multiple methods depending on patient preference, including pellet insertion, oral medication, creams, patches, troches, and injections.

Hormone Optimization for Women

BHRT can help women address a variety of common symptoms and problems, including:

  • Weight gain and slowed metabolism
  • Sleep problems
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss or changes in hair texture
  • Hot flashes/night sweats
  • Loss of skin elasticity/sagging skin
  • Dry skin
  • Bone density (osteopenia, osteoporosis)
  • Mood swings
  • Loss of libido
  • Vaginal dryness/thinning
  • Decline of cognitive abilities/brain fog
  • Joint pain or stiffness
  • Anxiety/depression

Our BHRT plan consists of a customized, comprehensive, and regularly monitored program. It incorporates a complete health assessment, and an hour-long consultation with Dr. Olson, pharmaceutical grade supplements, and compounded bioidentical hormones tailored just for you.

We also specialize in hormone treatments for PCOS, as well as women experiencing perimenopausal symptoms including PMS, weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, and more.



Thyroid Health

Hypothyroidism is a condition caused by your thyroid gland not producing enough thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormones affect every cell and organ in your body, and play a major role in regulating your body’s metabolism. Without enough thyroid hormone, many of your body’s functions slow down. This causes an array of symptoms and can adversely affect your overall health. Imbalances in thyroid hormone can negatively impact your metabolism, weight, energy level, cognitive function, body temperature, and the health of your skin and hair.

We don’t just look at your lab results as being “within range.” We also take the time to listen to you so we can understand all of your symptoms too. “Normal” thyroid levels may also vary depending on your age. Because we do extensive lab testing for your overall health in addition to your thyroid, we will tailor your treatment specifically for you. There are several different types of thyroid medication and you may respond better to one than another. After reviewing all of your lab tests and meeting with you, we can then prescribe exactly what you need.



Take the First Step Today

Rediscover vitality, enhance your well-being, and embrace a life filled with energy and longevity. Contact Valley Healthspan today to schedule your consultation, and embark on the path to a healthier, more vibrant you.

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